Monday, January 20, 2014

Why LED bulbs are the best lighting solutions

Light Emitting Diodes bulbs commonly referred to as LED bulbs are considered to be one of the best inventions the lighting industry has come up with. There are different from the regular bulbs in that unlike those earlier glass bulbs that have a filament and gasses in them, LED bulbs have very small lenses that smaller chips are put over a heat conducting material and thus producing light.

Led bulbs are better than regular filament bulbs in that:

They have a longer lifetime
Good LED bulbs can run for up to 50,000 hours without having to replace it as compared to a filament bulb which has a lifetime of about 2,000 hours if put under the same conditions. This comparison alone means economically you would save 25 times more using a LED bulb than if you were using a filament bulb.

More efficient and produce more light
Led bulbs consume less energy as most of their heat energy is turned to light energy as compared to filament bulbs therefore producing more light. Filament bulbs however, emit a lot of heat making them less bright as not all their heat energy is converted to light energy. This makes them inefficient as they end up using a lot of energy raising your electricity bills.
LED bulbs are the solution to your problem for you pay lesser electrical bills for more light.

LED Ball bulbs
These are basically normal ball shaped bulbs that you can place any where you want to light up be it your home, office or even garden.
They are a variety of ball bulbs including B14, B22 and the latest LED ball bulb being the B27. The B27 ball bulb is better that all its predecessors for it emits more light and more energy efficient. It is very practical in a word where many of us are trying to go green in an attempt to control the rising Global Warming rate and the harsh economic times.
They either come with a bayonet cap or a screw cap therefore you can mount them anywhere making them very easy to install.

LED Candle Bulbs
They are basically LED bulbs but their heads are shaped to look just like a candle’s flame.

They can be a very good substitute to a candle for unlike normal candles they cannot be put off by wind thus you can use them outside if you are planning to have an outdoor romantic dinner. They are also less dangerous compared to normal candles for even when tipped over by mistake; they will not cause a fire hazard that might ruin both your night and your table cloth.  anty881209wong 140120

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