Light emitting diodes, or LEDs, are
electronic lights. They are produced in a variety of shapes and sizes. There
are several types of LED lights, which can be found in any number of electronic
devices and have various functions.
first is Miniature LEDs. They are some of the most common types of LED lights and can be
found in small electronic devices. Miniature LEDs are used in an array of
devices with surface-mount or through-hole designs and mostly used as indicator
lights on devices such as calculators or cell phones.

forth is Flashing LEDs. They are stand-alone lights that
serve as indicators. To make a LED flash or blink, a vibrator is integrated
into the circuit that interrupts its flow in intervals.
fifth is Bi-color LEDs. It combines
two light emitting dies connected to one lead in one encasing, allowing for the
case to emit two different colors. The current flow of the dies alternates to
produce the color variation. Bi-color LEDs can also produce a third light when
the flow of both dies is equal.
last is RGB and Tri-color LEDs. RGB LEDs are the red, green and blue light emitting diodes,
commonly found in LED televisions and projections. The LEDs are emitted through
a four-wire connection on a common lead.
Tri-color LEDs combines two light emitting dies in one encasing. In
contrast to the bi-color LEDs, the tri-color dies are connected to two leads.
This enables the two LEDs to light up simultaneously and be controlled. The
third lead shares one of the common leads.
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